
Construction & Building Services

Construction is ever-changing and growing. Once a craft-based job, it’s now so much more. It’s a modern industry with a focus on digital, design and sustainability careers, too. With so many focuses, roles in the sector are vast, from learning a trade to managing a site or project, interpreting designs to adhering to sustainability standards.

Qualifications at Coleg Cambria will open up a world of possibilities for you. We have experienced tutors, links with local and international companies, and countless work experience opportunities to make you stand out to future employers and put you on the ladder to a successful career in construction.

Alex McLaren IMG_1754

Alex Mclaren

Studied – Level 2 Electrical Installation

Currently – Electrician at Tata Steel UK

“In school I studied an Engineering course which included an electrical unit, I really enjoyed this and it made me want to study electrical installation further.

“Completing this qualification gave me the knowledge and practical skills (such as installing basic circuits) I needed to get an apprenticeship after I finished the course.

“I currently work for TATA STEEL and I love my job and career choice, it all stemmed from doing the Electrical Installation Level 2 course at Coleg Cambria.”

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frankie - Yale 6 (1)

Frankie McCamley

Studied – A Level English, Drama, Maths and French

Currently – Presenter and News Correspondent for the BBC 

“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in the future, so I chose a range of different subjects to study at A Level. I’m now employed by the BBC as a Presenter and News Correspondent and studying at Yale Sixth gave me the confidence and skills to go onto university. I made some amazing friends, had some great teachers who I’ll never forget and had a great time in Wrexham! 

“I look back on my time at Yale with pride and fondness and will never forget it!”

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