Exam Information

Important Update - Exams

Last updated 10.05.22

Summer Examinations and Concessions

This update provides further information about this summer’s external examinations and, in particular, any actions you may need to take with regards to COVID.

Whilst there are details provided below relating to what you need to do if you are unwell and unable to attend an exam, it is essential that you make every effort to attend all of your examinations as this will provide you with the best opportunity to gain the grades you deserve.

However, if on the day of your exam you are unwell for any reason (including COVID related illness) and unable to attend then you should inform the College and we will follow the procedures set by WJEC to collect the relevant medical evidence, which will include the need for you to complete a ‘JCQ Form 14 Self Certification Form’.

In addition, Welsh Government have recently amended the COVID self-isolation arrangements for external examinations this summer, as follows:

  • If you have any of the main symptoms of COVID-19, you should self-isolate and take a lateral flow test (LFT).
  • If the test is positive, you should self-isolate for at least 3 full days. Day 1 is the day after your symptoms started. Please report your result.
  • On day 3, if your symptoms have stopped, take a LFT. If that test is negative, take another LFT on day 4.
  • If your day 4 test is also negative, and you feel well and do not have a high temperature, you can leave self-isolation to sit your exam. Please report your results.
  • If either the test on day 3 or the test on day 4 is positive, you should remain in self-isolation and contact your school or education setting.
  • If you still have a high temperature or feel unwell, you should continue to self-isolate until it returns to normal, or you feel better.
  • You should continue taking daily LFTs until you get 2 negative tests in a row, taken a day apart, or until day 10 – whichever is sooner. You do not need a negative LFT test on day 10 to leave self-isolation.

Please note that the examination timetables have been constructed to provide a minimum of ten days between the first and last examination in each AS, A-level and GCSE. This will reduce the chance of a candidate missing all examinations in a subject due to Covid, which should then enable a final grade to be issued for each subject. Please note that WJEC will not award a grade in the absence of any assessment evidence.

Please contact your tutors should you have any questions regarding any of this information.

Further guidance has also been published and can be found below.

Guide to Special Considerations