Learner in a classroom at a desk with a laptop open and notebook next to her

Access to Higher Education courses at Cambria University Centre offer a one year route to degree level study. Studying for an Access qualification can lead to a successful career with many of our students going onto university and pursuing new careers they never thought possible.

If you left school without the usual qualifications, such as GCSEs or A Levels, then this course may be for you. The Access to Higher Education programmes are free of charge and prepare you for future study, whether you are looking for a way to access nursing, midwifery or other degree programmes at university we have something to get you started on the correct pathway.

We offer different ways to study our Access courses. It’s important to choose the mode that will best suit your learning style and personal circumstances. We also have courses that start in September and January.

‘DAYTIME’ – This route takes place over 4 days on campus 9.30am – 2.30pm. With this option all your teaching takes place on site through Face to Face teaching.

‘BLENDED’ – This route requires you to attend one day on campus 9.15 – 6.30pm with the remainder of the course being delivered via elearning for you to complete in your own time during the week.

We offer Access to Higher Education courses in the following areas:

  • Healthcare (Daytime & Blended)
  • Humanities and social sciences (Daytime & Blended)

For more details select a course below and view course profiles.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking to study at university and are aged 19 years or above but lack the formal qualifications, then an Access to HE Diploma will provide you with the qualification you require.

More details about Access to Higher Education courses at Cambria can be found on our YouTube channel – Access to HE explained

Access to HE Diplomas are open to anyone aged 19 and over.

If you left school without A Levels or an equivalent qualification but decide you want to go to university, Access to HE Diplomas are the perfect solution!

As Coleg Cambria is based in Wales the Access to HE courses offered are free of charge as they are fully funded.

This would depend on the type of course you have enrolled on. For example, daytime courses usually require learners to be onsite 4 days a week, whereas those on a blended course may only be onsite 1 day a week with 8 hours delivered from home. Alternatively, we offer an online version which is fully remote learning.

Your timetable would be available before you start on any course to ensure enough time to make any arrangements necessary to ensure you can attend.

An Access course will allow you to earn UCAS points in the same way as A Levels or practical courses. There is a maximum of 144 UCAS points that can be earned from studying Access to HE.

The majority of UK universities accept Access to HE qualifications. Several of our past Access learners have gone onto study a Degree level course at recognised universities.

An access qualification can be used to go to university for up to 3-5 years. This is due to progressions within industries and curriculum changing.

Our Access to Health Care courses can lead to a career in nursing with further education at Degree level. 

Our Access to Health Care courses can lead to a career in midwifery with further education at Degree level. 

If you already have a level 3+ qualification you are still able to study an Access course. This may be a good option for those looking to change careers.

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