Job Shop CV & Interview Skills

Job Shop CV & Interview Skills

Interview Skills


Think about: 

  • Why you want to do the job 
  • Any questions you have about the job/company
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses
  • Some real-life examples you can talk about 

What to wear

  • Plan what you’re going to wear the day before your interview
  • Find out the companies dress code and wear clothes to suit this
  • Don’t wear uncomfortable shoes/clothes or too much perfume/aftershave 

On the day 

  • Plan to arrive earlier than your interview time so you’re not late 
  • Switch your phone off
  • Try to relax – take deep breaths and a sip of water

During the interview 

  • Take your time answering the questions 
  • Speak clearly and don’t swear
  • Give examples 
  • Be positive 
  • Answer honestly

After the interview 

  • If you are offered the job, thank them 
  • If you’re not offered the job, ask for feedback.

CV Skills/Format

Personal information

Name and Contact Details
Address, email, telephone no.

Personal Profile
4-5 lines summarising yourself: personality, abilities, character and strengths – stand out information which relates to the type of jobs you are applying to.

Core Skills
Bullet point skills mentioning briefly why you think you have these skills.

Education and Qualifications
List with most recent college/school first, course and units/qualifications, dates and grades.

Employment/Work Experience
Most recent first – name of organisation, dates, role and responsibilities. Remember to mention any voluntary work.
Interests/Additional Information
Any interests which have developed your skills, projects you have done at school/college or at home. Achievements such as D of E Award, driving licence, etc.

1-2 pages – busy recruiters will just glance at the CV, it needs to grab their attention immediately.

Use a simple, clear layout and font to make it easy for employers to find the information they need.

What are employers looking for in a CV?
Employers will be looking at your skills and experience/qualifications to see how suitable you may be to do the job and fit into their organisation.

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