

Medru is a collaborative project in North Wales between Coleg Cambria, Bangor University, and The Open University in Wales. Aiming to provide learners with the opportunity to achieve valuable Industry 4.0 technical skills and knowledge, it will help to fill a skills gap in industry.

The ambition is for Medru to offer Industry 4.0 training across the whole of the north-east of Wales, supporting businesses and people in their aspirations, and creating a pipeline of talent for the future. This will be initially based on the nine pillars of Industry 4.0 –

  • Autonomous Robots
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Simulation
  • Augmented Reality
  • Cybersecurity
  • System Integration
  • Cloud Computing
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • (3D Printing)
    Big Data

This project is supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.

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