Student Life

What is Student Voice

Make yourself heard at Coleg Cambria. Student Voice is a fantastic way to get involved outside the classroom, by presenting ideas you or your classmates have to improve the college and your experience of it.

Let us know your ideas!
Student President

There’s nothing better to put on your CV or university application than Student President. You’d be one of only two Presidents at Coleg Cambria, so it’s a very lucrative role! You’ll be a helping hand and an empathetic ear for all your fellow students and their comments or concerns. As well as that, you will:

  • Lead on the Student Voice parliament once a year, making sure yours and all other reps’ voices remain at the heart of Coleg Cambria and are a driving force for the change you want to see
  • Attend NUS events when we need you, where you’ll be one of the faces of our college, upholding our reputation.
Student vice president

If you successfully apply to be a Student VP, you’ll be one of only five students lucky enough to secure this role. As a VP, a lot of your responsibilities will be similar to those of the class and campus reps, but you’ll also:

  • Chair the campus council meeting, which will mirror many real-life board meetings, preparing you for actual scenarios in your future career
  • Be the lead representative of all learners at whichever of the sites you represent
  • Be a candidate for election as Student President, able to run a campaign of your own
  • Attend NUS events when we need you, where you’ll be one of the faces of our college, upholding our reputation.
Campus reps

You might prefer being a Campus Rep. You’d be one of twelve campus reps at your site, with all twelve reps usually becoming very fast friends. As a Campus Council Rep, you’ll have all the duties of a Class Rep, but you’ll also:

  • meet informally once every two weeks or so for around half an hour – these informal discussions will enable you to work with the Student President and other student leaders to influence college developments and recommend change where appropriate
  • attend two lunchtime formal campus council meetings a year with senior staff and a college governor – you’ll have the opportunity to raise matters discussed by the student body, new initiatives and any other relevant themes with senior staff whilst making recommendations for change
  • attend and contribute to the Student Voice Parliament once a year
  • represent Coleg Cambria and the student body at various events, such as NUS trips
  • be a role model for students of Coleg Cambria
Class reps

Be elected as a representative for your class to give a voice to your peers. You’ll receive training and support from the college in the first term to help you in your role. All you need to do is register to attend via the Student Voice website. As a class rep you’ll:

  • Meet informally once every two weeks or so for around half an hour – these informal discussions will enable you to work with the Student President and other student leaders to influence college developments and recommend change where appropriate
  • Attend two lunchtime formal campus council meetings a year with senior staff and a college governor – you’ll have the opportunity to raise matters discussed by the student body, new initiatives and any other relevant themes with senior staff whilst making recommendations for change
  • Attend and contribute to the Student Voice Parliament once a year
  • Represent Coleg Cambria and the student body at various events, such as NUS trips
  • Be a role model for students of Coleg Cambria
  • You can also be elected as a Student Vice President or President.
Frequently asked questions

During your time as a Student Rep, you will be given essential training to assist you with your role. Using these skills you will be able to raise discussions with your class every term and bring them to your Curriculum areas Student Rep meeting.

As a Student Rep, there are many benefits! On top of all of the training you shall get, we will also give you a free Student Rep hoodie and you will also have the option of going on a free teambuilding day along with other reps from across all Coleg Cambria sites. 

  • Attend Class Rep training (Your Student Rep Engagement Officer will be in touch once you have been elected by your class!)
  • Attend all Class Rep meetings  – check out when they are by contacting
  • Carry out the Classroom Viewpoints meeting in Term One
  • Talk regularly with your classmates about course matters and college-wide issues – any safeguarding issues should be taken to your tutor or student services
  • Report back to your classmates what happens in any meetings you attend and pass on any other information you are asked to
  • Consider putting yourself up for election as Student Vice President and/or President
  • Log into your Student Rep Google Classroom regularly to check any updates!
  • Be the point of contact for your classmates and staff.

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Got a question?

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