Home > Supporting You > Inclusion & Learning Support
Here at Cambria, we’re committed to inclusion. We actively promote equality and celebrate diversity.
Come and join us on one of our many education and training programmes. With our inclusive approach and the support and adjustments we offer, we are able to meet a wide range of needs. Please see our learning provision offer for more information.
Inclusion support is offered across all five of our campuses. Our approach will be tailored to you and your individual needs. Any of your learning needs can be shared with us before your course starts or at any time during your course of study.
The inclusion team is made up of knowledgeable people in a variety of roles, such as:
We can help with:
What Can We Help With?
Exam access arrangements
Assistive hardware & software
Specialist teaching support
In-class support
Assessment & Screening
Our experienced lecturers can offer you one to one support and personalised assessments to help with independent learning. They will also deliver lessons to introduce new ways of working and agree an additional learning plan with you to make sure you achieve your goals.
Group and individual sessions with Specialist Lecturers, Inclusion Mentors and ASD Mentors are also available to you. They’re designed with you in mind and will help you to develop skills in areas such as:
Class-based support
In-class support is provided by a team of Learning Support Assistants. It’s available to you if you’re on any Foundation and Level 1 courses.
Bespoke support
We are happy to offer one to one support for you, for things like personal care or communication support, no matter what course you’re on.
Assistive technology
Reading and writing software is available to you whenever you need it, on whatever course you need it for and will be alongside you to help on your journey to success.
Effective learning
We are here to support your learning in any way we can. Our experienced team offer one to one support to ensure it is specific to the individual.
Reading and writing software is available to you whenever you need it, on whatever course you need it for.
Following an initial meeting and assessment, we may provide you with resources to support your learning, such as the loan of:
Additional Learning Provision (ALP) may be required for learners with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) whose needs are not met by the college’s ordinarily available (universal) provision, which is available to all learners. Where a learner requires ALP, it is likely an Individual Development Plan (IDP) will have been prepared before a learner transitions to college, outlining the ALP required.
If you have any questions about Additional Learning Needs, Additional Learning Provision or Individual Development Plans, please speak to your Specialist Tutor or email idp@cambria.ac.uk.
Further information about Additional Learning Needs can be found in the links below:
You can also get information from your Local Authority:
A screening is simply made up of small tasks, which will provide us with a profile of your current strengths and any challenges. This isn’t a formal assessment or diagnosis. You need to have had an eye test within two years prior to screening for dyslexia, exam access arrangements, or completion of a visual stress questionnaire. Screening for ADHD, Dyspraxia, and ASD is also available.
Screening may lead to an offer of:
Exam access arrangements
Specialist teaching from
an ALN lecturer
Specialist equipment
Provision of assistive technology
ReferRal to ALN workshop
referral to other college
support services
External agency REFERRAL DSA
DSA (disabled student allowance)
Access to Work
If you’re a learner with Specific Learning Differences (SpLD), physical, or medical needs you can apply for Exam Access Arrangements. These arrangements give you equal access to the exam without changing the demands of the assessment.
Some examples of EAA are:
If you have had EAA in the past for your exams, please give us this information on enrolment. You’ll need to provide evidence of your learning difference or medical need to your ALN lecturer. They’ll meet with you in your first term to put these arrangements in place.
If you need more information, please go to the get in touch page to find the details of the Learning Support Coordinators for your site.
As a Higher Education (HE) student with a disability, you could be eligible for assistance through Disabled Student Allowance.
For more information please see our University Centre Inclusion page.
DSA helps pay towards extra costs you may have when studying on your course as a direct result of your difficulty. You can find more about the Disabled Students’ Allowances and how to apply by visiting yourdsa.com.
Please apply for DSA as soon as you can to ensure support is in place as soon as possible.
If you need more information, please go to the Get in touch page to find the details of the Learning Support Coordinators for your site.
This is support in work that you can access if you have a disability or have a physical or mental health condition.
Employers and learners can find information regarding eligibility, what you can get and how to apply on the following website.
If you need more information, please go to the get in touch page to find the details of the Learning Support Coordinators for your site.
We can support you before you even start college with us in a number of ways. We offer advice and guidance, as well as bespoke transition plans. Below are some more ways we can help you during your transition to Coleg Cambria.
Attendance at school reviews
Virtual tours
College tours & visits
Visits meetings with tutors
Open Events
Accessible talk and tour events
Support of interview
Taster days
Summer academy (ILS only)
Our team at Coleg Cambria wants to continue supporting you in your early days of college while you’re finding your feet. We do this in a variety of ways, including:
Working with inclusion and ASD mentors
Support to access college transport
Multi agency reviews
REFERRAL to external agencies
Advice on DSA
Access to work grants
You can use this software to assist you to read written text, or to type as you speak. It is linked to your college email account and can be accessed remotely from home.
Yes, if you want us to put support and/or exam access arrangements in place at Coleg Cambria.
We only pass the information on if you have given us consent or requested us to do so. For example, consent for exam access arrangements. However, it may be a good idea to make other organisations aware of your needs so that relevant support can be put in place.
No, it is your information. However, if at a later date you are struggling, and you have not disclosed, your employer may be unaware of the support you need.
Yes. Once you have enrolled on a course speak to the ALN Specialist Lecturer for your area who can explain the process to you.
The Inclusion Team provides social support during unstructured times of the day, such as lunch and break time through clubs such as NGAGE (neurodiversity) and SensAbility (sensory impairment).
If you have not started college yet, contact a Learning Support Coordinator and they will discuss your support needs and signpost you to the person who can best help you.
If you have started on your course, speak to your progression coach/personal tutor or any teaching staff on your course. They can refer you.
Specialist Lecturers support learners to develop learning independence. A Specialist Lecturer will introduce themselves to your group at the induction for each course. This is normally within your first week at college. However, if you need to contact them before you enrol, our Learning Support Coordinators will be able to put you in contact with the relevant member of staff.
Neurodiversity is the term used to describe and celebrate the importance of the valuable differences of the human brain.
Have a look at this YouTube video by the British Dyslexia Association for more information of what neurodiversity is.
Current regulations say that screening can’t be completed without a recent eye test (within the last 2 years). It also eliminates reading and writing difficulties caused by poor eyesight.
No. A screening is not a formal diagnosis. It does, however, allow us to develop a profile of your strengths and some challenges you may face. Completion of a screening can provide us with some strategies which would support you in class, or, to inform further assessment such as exam access arrangements, or referral for formal assessments.
No, this is your information and the onus is on you to share it. It will be put onto the college systems for your lecturers and work-based assessors to access.
Please let your school or local authority know that you wish to attend Coleg Cambria and ask them to send us a copy of your IDP/EHCP/LSP as soon as possible. When we receive your plan, the Inclusion Team can then start to plan how we can best support you on your course.
Please make sure that you still apply to the College so that we can interview you to make sure that your desired course is the correct course and correct level for you. Once you have been offered a place, a member of the Inclusion Team will contact you to discuss your needs and put together a support plan.
We have a dedicated team of care staff who can offer support with personal care to those who require it. If you let us know of your needs, a member of the team will contact you to put together a personal care plan to ensure that your needs will be met at college.
Listed below are some websites, which cover a variety of topics that might be relevant to you.
Please Direct any Postal Information to:
Head of Inclusion
Coleg Cambria
Kelsterton Road
Connah’s Quay