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About The Job Shop

About Coleg Cambria's Job Shop
Cambria Job Shop is available on all Cambria sites and is a service to support the employability skills of all students at Cambria. This “employability service” is vital in our students progressing into careers after studying at Cambria.
Job Shop supports drop-in sessions and students can book in 1-1 appointments for advice on CVs/cover letters, job search, apprenticeships, application forms, and interview tips. Workshops are also available for group sessions.
Job Shop hosts multiple careers events each academic year, inviting local and regional employers to all Cambria sites. Students can attend and meet potential future employers, often leading to many of them being successful in gaining work experience and apprenticeships.
Through the Job Shop employers advertise job vacancies both full and part-time, apprenticeships and voluntary work. Therefore Job Shop is continually promoting progression opportunities; not only for our students but the local community and beyond.
There are useful links on the Careers Wales website where you can find more advice and guidance on searching for jobs, preparing to make job applications, etc: careerswales.gov.wales.
This added-value service commenced in April 2019 and continues to be an essential part of student support here at Cambria. Due to the Welsh Government focus on employability skills for all; Job Shop meets the expectation nationally of this agenda.
It’s never too early to prepare for your future career! So check out our Job Shop portal on the website, should you have any enquiries please email jobshop@cambria.ac.uk.
What Can We Help With?
Preparing for Work Experience
Finding out about apprenticeships and work-based training
Applying For Jobs
Finding The Right Job For You
Meeting with Employers to
Understand What Careers
are Available
Much More!
Kickstart Your Career: Important Info & Tips
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
There are so many ways you can find Apprenticeships, some of which are:
- Searching online in your local/regional area
- Visit our Job Search page – https://jobshop.cambria.ac.uk/
- Visit Careers Wales – https://careerswales.gov.wales/apprenticeships
- Use the find an Apprenticeship Gov.UK Service – https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch?
To secure an interview – not just a job!
CVs ideally need to be kept to a maximum of 2 pages; therefore a good cover letter will enhance your application and allow you to provide more personal information relating to the job.
Is your CV relevant and up to date with full contact details included? Have you provided a cover letter?
If they are and you’re still struggling, you should reach out to the Job Shop team in person or by using the contact details above.
Absolutely, if in your preferred field, even if voluntary or unpaid experience as this may lead to career/apprenticeship opportunities.
It depends on the employer and the role; however for minimum wage information please follow the link below: https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates.
Cambria Job Shop forms part of the Employment and Enterprise Bureaus part funded by the Welsh Government