Home > Term Dates & Absence
Everything you need to know about term times and, of course, when your holidays and breaks will be are on this page. For now we’ve only listed key dates for 2022/23. Check back soon for the year 2023/24.
Monday 17th APRIL Term Starts
Monday 29th May - Friday 2nd June Half Term
Friday 23rd June Term Ends
Monday 4th September Term Starts
Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November Half Term
Thursday 21st December Term Ends
Monday 6th January
Term Starts
Monday 24th - Friday 28th February
Half Term
Friday 11th April
Term Ends
Monday 28th APRIL
Term Starts
Monday 26th - Friday 30th May
Half Term
Friday 20th June
Term Ends
Monday 1st September
Term Starts
Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October Half Term
Thursday 18th December
Term Ends
Monday 5th January
Term Starts
Monday 16th - Friday 20th February
Half Term
Friday 27th March
Term Ends
Monday 13th APRIL
Term Starts
Monday 25th - Friday 29th May
Half Term
Friday 19th June
Term Ends
Attendance is a core expectation of employability, and we expect a high level of attendance from all our students and apprentices. However, if you can’t attend, please click on the Report Absence button below to report your absence.
If you are an apprentice, you can use the button below or contact your assessor directly.
If your child or young person is going to be absent from college, they can report this online using our student app or Student Hub website. On the Student Hub (the option to do this will be in the quick links section of the homepage).
If they are unable to access any of those two systems, please call 0300 30 30 007 from 8:30am onwards and our staff will assist you further with this.
You will need to let us know which subject(s) your child or young person is studying and at which Cambria site.
Our staff will then put you through to the relevant subject area.
When you are transferred, you may reach an answerphone, if this is the case please leave a message that clearly states your young person’s:
Student Name
Student ID
Reason for Absence
COLLEGE LOG IN DETAILS (If Reporting Online)
If a student is expecting to be late for a planned lesson or needs to leave college during the day and still has lessons that they should be attending they should report this on the app. If they are unable to do so please make sure they contact reception on their relevant Cambria Site, if they don’t know where that is please make sure they ask their course tutor or progress coach and they will direct them.
If a student’s absence is known about in advance (i.e. university open day, hospital appointment), then the student needs to report this on the app.
If they are unable to do so they should contact reception on their relevant Cambria Site, if they don’t know where that is please make sure they ask their course tutor or progress coach and they will direct them.
We very strongly urge you not to arrange holidays in term time and request that, whenever possible, appointments with doctors and dentists are made outside of college hours.
However if a family holiday is planned please ask the student to report this on the app. If they are unable to do so they should contact reception on the relevant Cambria Site, if they don’t know where that is please make sure they ask their course tutor or progress coach and they will direct them. Please also ask the student to notify all course tutors and progress coaches.